Child-safe Policy
We want children who participate in our programs, and anybody who visits our campus, to have a fun, safe and inspiring experience.

Supporting children's participation
QwertyKids actively encourages children to express their views, make suggestions, and have direct input into all aspects of our services directly affecting them.
We promote cooperation and kindness and do not tolerate bullying or any discriminatory practices. QwertyKids teaches children what they can do if they feel unsafe. As well as listens to and acts upon any concerns children, parents, or carers raise with us.
Support for staff and volunteers
QwertyKids provides care and guidance to make everyone feel valued, respected and fairly treated. We ensure staff and volunteers who work with children have ongoing supervision, support, and training so their performance is developed and enhanced to promote the establishment and maintenance of a child-safe environment.
Recruitment practices
QwertyKids takes all reasonable steps to ensure we engage the most suitable and appropriate people to work with children. We employ a range of screening measures and apply best-practice standards in the screening and recruitment of staff and volunteers.
We interview and conduct referee checks on all staff and volunteers. QwertyKids also confirms all staff and volunteers have both Working With Children Checks and Police Checks. We promote our Code of Conduct and communicate QwertyKids is a Child Safe Service in all of our recruitment materials.
Dealing with complaints
QwertyKids takes all complaints seriously and encourages children, families, carers, volunteers, and staff to raise any issues directly with its Child Safety Contact Person.
Staff and volunteers who receive complaints follow a strict procedure to ensure all complaints are reported to its Child Safety Contact Person in a timely and effective manner.
QwertyKids Child-safe Policy is discussed during induction sessions for all new staff and volunteers. And we continue to hold regular information sessions with them for the duration of their engagement.
Children, parents, and carers enrolling in our activities receive a copy of our Child-safe Policy, Code of Conduct, and Dealing with Complaints process.
Contacting us
QwertyKids welcomes your comments regarding this Child-safe Policy. If you have any questions about this Child-safe Policy and would like further information, please contact us by any of the following means during business hours Tuesday to Saturday.
Call: 0405 950 850
Post: Attn: Child-safe Policy,
7 Warburton Street,
Marrickville NSW 2204
E-mail: [email protected]
*This policy has been adapted from the Example Child-safe Policy of the Office of the Children’s Guardian.
Our mission is to make learning fun and coding play!