Enrol: Kids Coding Classes

Learn by doing and develop in-demand technical skills of today. Fill out the form below to get started now!

Animated characters created with electronic parts

Enrol in Term 1, 2025

Saturday, February 15 — Wednesday, April 9

Intermediate and Advanced
Please text the word ‘Experience’ to 0405 950 850 and we’ll arrange to talk about our other slots.

Little or no experience
Please fill out the enrolment form below.

Help us provide a fun, safe, and inspiring experience for all

Please share any information about the people you're enroling, including behavioural, emotional, or intellectual needs, that will ensure our success in fostering an atmosphere of curiosity, creativity, and collaboration. We'd be distressed if our failure to do so caused any disappointments.

By clicking 'Submit Enrolment' you agree to:

Our Terms and Conditions, including discussing the first item, Session and Online Conduct, with your children before they begin their coding adventure with us.