Terms and Conditions
Help QwertyKids foster an atmosphere of curiosity, creativity, and collaboration by communicating our session and online conduct with your children.

Session and Online Conduct
- Be respectful when sharing projects or giving feedback.
- Be constructive when commenting on others’ projects, say something you like about it and offer suggestions.
- Keep personal info private online. For safety reasons, don’t use real names or post contact info like phone numbers or addresses.
- Help keep QwertyKids friendly. If you think a project or comment is mean, insulting, too violent, or otherwise inappropriate, please let your teacher know about it.
- QwertyKids reserves the right to release, without refund of program fees, any child whose behavioural, emotional, or intellectual needs become unmanageable. This action will not be taken without warnings.
- QwertyKids is NOT responsible for damages or loss of any personal property while at a session.
Pickup Policy
- Authorised parents or carers must collect children from programs. The only people that your child will be released to are those listed on your information form.
- QwertyKids must be notified in advance if you allow your child to leave on their own.
Make-up Sessions
- QwertyKids must be notified of absence before the start of the scheduled session.
- Make-up sessions must be booked in advance. No make-up session will be allowed if you fail to notify QwertyKids of your child’s absence.
- If your make-up class is missed a replacement class may not be offered.
- Make-up classes are subject to availability.
Sickness and Absence
- Please do not send children to QwertyKids if they are suffering from any respiratory symptoms, no matter how mild, and/or any other contagious disease eg: fever, head cold, flu, cold sores, vomiting, diarrhoea, head lice, ringworm, urinary tract infection.
- QwertyKids reserves the right to perform temperature checks and dismiss children from sessions if any of the above symptoms are present.
- QwertyKids reserves the right to cancel any sessions or camps due to insufficient enrolment. Upon cancellation, a full refund will be made.
Force Majeure
- In the event QwertyKids is forced to close due to natural disaster, fire, theft or destruction of property, pandemic, government order or an “Act of God”, tuition and fees paid at the date of closure are not refundable.
- QwertyKids reserves the right to stop all in-person classes at the physical facility and resume service virtually.
- Classes may be combined by age and/or level at the determination of the QwertyKids owners.
- Tuition will continue to be charged at the full amount if QwertyKids is required to move to virtual classes only or a hybrid of virtual and in-person sessions.
Refund Policy
- Cancellations made at least THREE weeks from the start date will receive an 80% refund.
- Cancellations made TWO to THREE weeks from the start date will receive a 50% refund.
- There are no refunds for programs cancelled LESS than TWO weeks prior to the start date.
- No credits due to absences because of force majeure, holidays, exams or clashes with other activities or commitments.
- Credit letters are issued only for illnesses on presentation of Medical Certificate.
- Credit only valid for the current and following term or camp.
Our mission is to make learning fun and coding play!